ONETEP Academic Release version 7.2 is now available!

For details on how to obtain a copy, see
To find out what’s new, see the release notes below:
ONETEP 7.2 Academic Release
New features:
* Spin-dependent NGWFs. Allow NGWFs to be optimised separately for each spin channel.
* Fast calculation of density. For more information, see
* Fast calculation of local potential integrals. For more information, see
* Experimental GPU support using OpenACC (not documented yet).
Pass -DGPU_ACC at compile time to activate.
A compiler supporting OpenACC is required.
Ported features:
– Hartree-Fock exchange (partially),
– Structure factor (fully ported),
– Direct ion-ion summation (fully ported),
– Fast density (method 3 fully ported),
– Fast local potential integrals (basic port).
* Experimental GPU port of FFT-box interpolations and filtering (not documented yet).
to select a cuFFT backend (OpenACC or CUDA). A compiler supporting OpenACC and
the cuFFT library are required for both backends. The CUDA backend additionally
requires CUDA Fortran.
These are only used in fast density and fast local potential integrals for now.
* UPF PAW pseudopotentials are now recognized.
* Band structure (spectral function) unfolding including perturbative treatment
of the spin-orbit interaction now available using relativistic (j-dependent)
norm-conserving pseudopotentials. Details on this task are given in
* Updated single k-point method.
Minor improvements:
* Wigner-Seitz convention for PBCs in DFTB.
* Force-test is now compatible with DFTB.
* Methfessel-Paxton and Gaussian smearing in EDFT.
* Modern FFTW interface. For more information, see
Pass -DUSE_MODERN_FFTW at compile time to activate.
* Compatibility with NAG Fortran.
* Compatibility with Intel Fortran ifx 2024.1.0.
* Multiple bug fixes.

ONETEP Masterclass 4-6 September 2024

The Masterclass was supported by UKRI and the UK’s CCP9 Network for Electronic Structure Methods, CCP5++ Network for Computer Simulation of Condensed Phases, CCPBioSim, the Rosalind Franklin Institute, the Diamond Light Source, the Royce Deposition Facility (University of Leeds).

4th September to 6th September 2024, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, UK

Organizers and tutors

A. Bhandari, J. Dziedzic and C.-K. Skylaris (University of Southampton)
G. Teobaldi, AM. dos Santos Dias (STFC)
C. Xiao, A. Mostofi (Imperial College London)
N. D. M. Hine, M. Escobar-Azor (University of Warwick)

We gratefully acknowledge support from EPSRC via the project EP/W029545/1 Supporting research communities with large-scale DFT in the next decade and beyond.


Wednesday, September 4th

11:00 : Welcome
11:45 : Lunch in STFC canteen
13:00: Lightning presentations by participants
13:30 : Introduction to linear-scaling DFT (A. Mostofi) PDF
14:00 : Introduction to the ONETEP code (C.-K. Skylaris) PDF
15:00 : Start projects and discussions with tutors
15:30 : Coffee Break
16:30 : Introduction to ONETEP + ASE ipynb
17:30 : Transport to the hotel, free time

Thursday, September 5th

8:30 : Transport to RAL
9:00 : Work on projects
10:00 : PAW (Nick Hine) PDF
10:20 : ASE examples (Tom Demeyere) PDF
11:00 : Coffee
11:30  : EDFT (Chris Skylaris) PDF
12:30 : Lunch in STFC canteen
13:45: Implicit Solvent (Jacek Dziedzic) PDF
14:00 : Electrolytes and GC-DFT (Arihant Bhandari) PDF
14:45:  Work on projects
15:00: Coffee
15:30 : Work on projects
16:00 : Excitations: LR-TDDFT (Tim Zuehlsdorff) PDF
16:30 : Work on projects
17:30 : Transport to the hotel, free time
19:00 : Social Dinner (at the hotel)

Friday, September 6th

08:30 : Transport to RAL
09:00 : Discussions with tutors – review of overnight calculations, work on projects
10:00:  Strain and cell relaxation (Manuel dos Santos Dias) PDF
11:00 : Coffee
11:30 : Strongly-correlated systems: DFT+U (+J) (David O’Regan) PDF
12:15: Real time TDDFT PDF
12:30 : Lunch in STFC canteen
13:45 : Work on projects
15:00 : Coffee
15:15 : Participants’ 5 minute summaries of outcomes and future plans
16:00 : End of Masterclass


ONETEP Academic Release version 7.0 is now available!

For details on how to obtain a copy, see
To find out what’s new, see the release notes.

ONETEP Masterclass 2023

22nd August to 24th August 2023, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, UK

Organizers and tutors

B. Ayers, A. Bhandari, J. Dziedzic and C.-K. Skylaris (University of Southampton)
G. Teobaldi, A. Elena, M. dos Santos Dias (STFC)
C. Xiao, A. Mostofi (Imperial College London)
N. D. M. Hine, M. Escobar-Azor (University of Warwick)
J. Aarons (Nankai University)
Emiliano Poli (University of Bologna)
A. A. Mostofi, P. D. Haynes
D. O’Regan (Trinity College Dublin)
J. C. A. Prentice (University of Oxford)

We gratefully acknowledge support from EPSRC via the project EP/W029545/1 Supporting research communities with large-scale DFT in the next decade and beyond and support from CCP9.

The event was held at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Accommodation was at Milton House Hotel, Steventon.

Tuesday, August 22nd

10:00 : Welcome & coffee
10:30:  Lightning presentations by participants
12:15 : Lunch in STFC canteen
13:30 : Introduction to linear-scaling DFT (A. Mostofi) PDF
14:15 : Introduction to the ONETEP code (C.-K. Skylaris) PDF
15:00 : Coffee Break – meet tutors
16:15 : Start projects and discussions with tutors
17:30 : Transport to the hotel, free time
19:00 : Dinner at the hotel

Wednesday, August 23rd

9:00 : Work on projects
11:00 : Coffee
11:15  : Talk on NGWF initialisation (N. D. M. Hine) PDF
11:30 : Talk on simulation cell relaxation (M. dos Santos Dias) PDF
12:30 : Lunch in STFC canteen
13:45:  Talk on CG DFT and electrolyte (A. Bhandari) PDF
14:15 : Talk on DFT+U/cDFT (D. O’Regan) PDF
14:45:  Work on projects
15:00: Coffee
15:30 : Work on projects
16:00 : Talk on PAW and ASE interface (Nick)
16:30 : Work on projects
17:30 : Transport to the hotel, free time
19:00 : Dinner at the hotel

Thursday, August 24th

09:00 : Discussions with tutors – review of overnight calculations, work on projects
11:00 : Coffee
11:30 : Talk on QM/QM embedding, EMFT (J. C. A. Prentice) PDF
12:00:  Talk on EDFT in ONETEP (C.-K. Skylaris) PDF
12:30 : Lunch in STFC canteen
13:45 : Work on projects
15:00 : Coffee
15:15 : Participants’ 5 minute summaries of outcomes and future plans
16:00 : End of Masterclass

ONETEP Masterclass is now full

The ONETEP Masterclass 22-24 August 2023 is now full and we cannot accept any more applicants.

ONETEP Masterclass 22-24 August 2023

ONETEP is a leading linear-scaling DFT code for parallel computers for performing calculations with thousands of atoms with large basis set (plane waves) accuracy. Amongst its capabilities are total energies, geometry relaxations, molecular dynamics, excited states, solvent and electrolyte models and constant voltage simulations, metallic systems, band structure unfolding, a range of xc functionals including hybrid and non-local functionals, simulation cell relaxation, open, periodic and mixed boundary conditions etc. The applications of the code include battery materials and degradation processes, protein-ligand binding for drug design, 2D material heterostructures for low power electronics, supported nanoparticle catalysts for fuel cells, etc. More information about its capabilities and examples of applications can be found at
The ONETEP Developers Group are organising a 3-day Masterclass 22-24 August 2023 at STFC Harwell. The aim of the Masterclass is to train participants to apply the code on their own specific problems of interest. For this reason each participant is allocated 1 or 2 tutors who will help them set up and run calculations on their particular systems. Introductory lectures and lectures on some of the functionalities of the code will also be delivered.
ONETEP is free for academics and participants should obtain the code at least one month in advance of attending the Masterclass and have it compiled and tested on the HPC cluster they will use during the workshop – instructions will be provided and if needed further help for this can be provided by the tutors and via the ONETEP mailing list.
To enquire or apply for participation to the Masterclass please fill in this form:
ONETEP Masterclass 2023 – Google Forms
Those who are applying to participate should also provide a short description of the application they want to do with the code so that suitable tutors can be allocated.
Participation in the Masterclass is free and accommodation and meals will be provided. We will also cover economy class travel expenses for UK-based participants.

ONETEP training at RAL on 13/1/2023

A one-day ONETEP training event took place at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) for members of  the DIAMOND light source, the ISIS neutron and muon source and the Rosalind Franklin Institute (RFI). After some introduction to the code the participants set up simple ONETEP calculations, with the help of the tutors, on their scientific problems.
This ONETEP training event was sponsored by CCP9

New ONETEP paper on strontium titanate defects

Researchers from the University of Technology of Gdansk, Poland have used ONETEP to perform large-scale DFT+U calculations on strontium titanate, a promising material for proton-conducting fuel cells. They performed simulations of structures with both oxygen vacancies and hydrogen interstitial defects and were able to interpret experimental conduction and spectroscopic measurements. More details can be found in the paper:

ONETEP Coding Retreat 2022

The ONETEP Coding Retreat 2022 took place from the 20th-22nd September, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. The sixteen attendees, were from the ONETEP Developer Groups at Southampton, Warwick, Imperial, STFC, and we were joined by participants from Oxford, Trinity College Dublin, and several from representative groups of users including Diamond and the Rosalind Franklin Institute. We began by outlining the ideas behind the new Software for Research Communities project, and worked on the code, its documentation, and the website. We initiated many strands of developments to aid the future maintainability and developability of the code.
This ONETEP coding retreat was sponsored by CCP9

ONETEP Academic Release version 6.0 is now available

Those with an existing license should contact Jacek Dziedzic for an updated version. Those not yet in possession of a License, see here for the terms (and remember, it is free for UK academics signed up to the CCP9 mailing list).